
EDA: open consultation to identify impact of 3D-printing technologies in defence

The European Defence Agency (EDA) has recently commissioned Fundación Prodintec and MBDA FR to conduct a project on “Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study & Technology Demonstration” (ref. 16.ESI.OP.144). due to be delivered in December 2017.

This study will assess the areas where additive manufacturing can make a greater contribution to defence capabilities and demonstrate its feasibility. It also has the objective of raising awareness in the defence community and of promoting a better understanding of the potential of these technologies, thereby stimulating their implementation in defence specific areas.

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14th December - workshop "European Guide and recommendations for the combined funding of large scale RDI initiatives"

Large-Scale Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) Initiatives (LSIs) are increasingly playing a vital role across Europe for the development and commercialisation of new novel products and services. EU-GREAT! project is exploring the best practices and barriers faced by stakeholders of LSIs in combining funds from different public and private sources. This Workshop aims at disseminating the main lessons learnt during the project implementation as well as key recommendations for improving the administrative and policy frameworks of public-private funding instruments to ease the combination of funding and stimulate investments.

Date and time: 14th December 2016, 10:30am - 15:30pm

Venue: European Commission, Covent Garden Building Address: 16 Place Rogier, 1210 Bruxelles, ERCEA ROOM 00 SDR2

