The challenge of Responsible Research and Innovation
The concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aims to anticipate and assess the possible implications and expectations of society, with the objective of promoting the design of inclusive, participatory and sustainable research and innovation.
The European Commission, aware of the importance of involving societal actors (researchers, citizens, policy makers, business, third sector organisations, etc.) and encourage working together in order to better align both the process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society, is supporting various initiatives.
One of those is NANO2ALL project, a coordination and support action (CSA) funded under Horizon 2020 in which PRODINTEC participates, through European technology platform NANOfutures, together with other 11 partners.
NANO2ALL expected impacts include:
- Enhance the interaction between society, science and nanotechnologies in order to contribute to a responsible nanotechnology research and innovation at EU and national policy level and research processes;
- Involve civil society, social sciences and humanities, and industry groups in decision-making procedures and/or societal dialogue and engagement on nanotechnologies, increasing awareness, enhancing understanding between stakeholders’ on their positions, needs, expectations and concerns, and enhancing trust between them;
- Contribute to the responsible policy-making, better acceptability of nanotechnologies outcomes, a more inclusive European society, and to a roadmap to enhance societal engagement in nanotechnology.