Brokerage event for the incoming H2020 NMBP work program
A brokerage event for the incoming H2020 NMBP work program is organized by the European Technology Platform NANOfutures with the collaboration of EUMAT and Manufuture.
It will take place on the 13th of November 2014 in Brussels.
Click here to learn about the location.
Click here to download the agenda.
The event will be opened by the European Commission.
The attendees will have the possibility to:
- Cluster around each Call, proposing their organization or searching for partners, to this end it will be organized a physical location (call booth) with a panel showing the Call text and having a space to indicate the nature of interest (offer/request of partnership) by means of stickers with personal identification to be attached (provided by the organization). A coacher will be present to organize the contributions and the aggregation at the booth.
- Present project ideas in 5 min with a slide projector to the whole audience
The brokerage event will be free of charge but closed to the subscribers that will be accepted and confirmed according to the criteria of balance among industries and research entities and date of application.
For general information and/or registration issues, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.