Technology surveillance and forecasting

The goal we pursue at PRODINTEC with respect to technology surveillance and foresight is to turn information into innovation, i.e. to help companies transform the information they collect into ideas to improve their organisation, making it more competitive, more capable and better positioned with respect to its competitors.

The fundamental difference between surveillance and forecasting lies in the time horizon: while surveillance keeps us informed about short-term changes, forecasting does so with a view to the medium to long term.


PRODINTEC has developed an in-house methodology for systematizing strategic monitoring processes (the CENTINELA methodology), applicable to any organisation. Employing this methodology, we help companies define their surveillance strategy (what, where, how and when to carry out surveillance) or conduct made-to-order studies on a particular technology of interest. Furthermore, PRODINTEC can also carry out an analysis of technology surveillance studies and incorporate them in the company`s Strategic Plan.